

kitlist - a program to maintain a simple list of items and assign items to one or more categories.

Required Packages for Desktop Build

On a Debian system, the following packages need to be installed to build the application:

Required Packages for Maemo Build

On the Maemo platform, the following packages are required:

Version 0.6.2 has been confirmed to compile on the following platforms:

C++ Compiler Flags

Set the environment variable CXXFLAGS when running ./configure. E.g.

    $ CXXFLAGS="-g -O0 -fno-inline" ./configure

to include debug messages, define KITLIST_DEBUG

    $ CXXFLAGS="-g -O0 -fno-inline -DKITLIST_DEBUG" ./configure

Obtaining the required libraries in the Maemo scratchbox environment

  1. Add the following repositories to the scratchbox configuration:

    cat >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/maemo-extras.list <<EOF
    deb diablo free non-free
    deb diablo free non-free
    deb-src diablo free non-free
    deb-src diablo free non-free
  2. Install the required packages:

    $ fakeroot apt-get update
    $ fakeroot apt-get install maemo-explicit maemo-cplusplus-env
    $ fakeroot apt-get install libglademm-2.4-dev libgtkmm-2.4-doc intltool
  3. To re-generate the GNU configure files, run the following command:

    To build for deployment to a Maemo platform (E.g. Nokia N810 Tablet)

        $ ./

    For the default Linux desktop build:

        $ ./

    Note: The warnings generated by aclocal are usually just warning of deprecated behavior.

  4. Then you can build the application with:

    $ ./configure
    $ make

Running in Maemo Scratchbox Environment

  1. Xephyr is used to provide an X server based emulation window. Install the xserver-xephyr package in Debian 4.0 (Etch).

  2. Run the Xephyr server from a normal user terminal:

    $ Xephyr :2 -host-cursor -screen 800x480x16 -dpi 96 -ac -extension Composite

  3. Login into scratchbox environment, build and run with:

    $ /scratchbox/login
    $ export DISPLAY=:2
    $ start
    $ cd ~/kitlist
    $ ./
    $ ./configure
    $ make
    $ ./src/kitlist
  4. In the scratchbox environment, build a release with:

    $ dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -b -tc
  5. and install it with:

    $ fakeroot dpkg --install ../kitlist_X.X.X_ARCH.deb
  6. uninstall with:

    $ fakeroot dpkg --remove kitlist
  7. purge with:

    $ fakeroot dpkg --purge kitlist


Runtime library dependencies

Building for Windows

The application will build on a Windows platform using MinGW. It's not currently documented and not entirely straight-forward, but can be done, although I have not as yet been able to build the application's alternative language files. However, this fails after the build is otherwise complete, so interrupting the looping make file with Ctrl-C does the trick. In any event you need to:

  1. Install the MinGW development environment
  2. Install various MinGW packages (TODO:: document which packages) to support the build
  3. Install version 2.16 of gtkmm for Windows
  4. compile with `./configure

Cross Compilation on Linux

The application can be cross-compiled on Linux for a Windows target. These notes are based on instructions for Cross-compiling GTK+ apps for Windows

Setup the tool chain following the instructions on the MinGW Wiki.

The following settings in worked for me:

    assume GCC_VERSION                   3.4.5-20060117-2
    assume BINUTILS_VERSION              2.19.1
    assume RUNTIME_VERSION               3.14
    assume W32API_VERSION                3.13-mingw32

Execute the mingw32 build script with an appropriate target. E.g.:

    $ sh i686-pc-mingw32

Download the gtkmm developer bundle and install it in a new folder using Wine (or Windows), then copy the contents to /opt/mingw/i686-pc-mingw32.

Fix the package config files to have the correct prefix and rename the DLLs.

    cd /opt/mingw/i686-pc-mingw32
    sed -i 's|^prefix=.*$|prefix=/opt/mingw/i686-pc-mingw32|g' lib/pkgconfig/*.pc
    cd ./lib
    for f in *.lib; do mv $f lib${f%%lib}a; done

Finally, build the kitlist application as follows:

    $ export PATH=/opt/mingw/bin:$PATH PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/opt/mingw/i686-pc-mingw32/lib/pkgconfig
    $ ./configure --prefix=/opt/mingw/i686-pc-mingw32/ --host=i686-pc-mingw32 --build=i686-pc-linux-gnu

Note: The application doesn't run under Wine.

Environment Variables

The application can optionally be compiled to use a PostgreSQL database instead of XML documents, using ./configure --disable-xml-dao. In this case there are a number of environment variables that can be used to specify various connection parameters to the PostgreSQL database. These are listed in the PostgreSQL Documentation. Some of them are mentioned briefly below:

Example Environment Variables


  1. Translatable strings contained in the program have been written in American English. To create a translation for another language, go to the po sub-directory and run the following command to update the default language file ./po/kitlist.pot:

    $ intltool-update --pot
  2. Copy this file to languagecode.po, e.g. fr.po. This file contains pairs of strings, one in the default language, the other the translated version, initially blank. Also add the language to the list in the ./po/LINGUAS file, and the ALL_LINGUAS entry in ./

  3. To merge code changs into a translated po file, e.g. French:

    $ intltool-update fr
  4. Re-build and re-install the program. To specify the language in a shell, specify the LANG environment entry, e.g.:

    $ export LANG=fr_FR.UTF-8

Note: the kitlist program must be installed before the language files are picked up at runtime.

More information in Programming with gtkmm


The documentation for the code is maintained using Doxygen. The documentation is regenerated from the source code as follows:

    $ cd src
    $ make docs

The generated documentation can be viewed under ../doc/doxygen/

A PDF reference manual can be created as follows:

    $ cd ./doc/doxygen/latex
    $ make pdf
    $ ls refman.pdf


The source code and documentation are licensed under the GPL. See the COPYING and AUTHORS files distributed with the source code for information and contact details.