Kitlist  1.1.0
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
 CCategoryRepresents a Category
 CCategoryCompareIdComparator used for comparing Categories by id
 CCategoryCompareNameComparator used for sorting Categories by name
 CGuiStateClass encapsulating state of an object in the data model
 CItemRepresents an Item
 CItemCompareIdComparator used for comparing Items by id
 CItemCompareNameComparator used for sorting Items by name
 CItemFunctorFunctor for processing items
 CKitListMain application class
 CKitListDaoDefines the methods that an implementation of this class must implement
 CKitListGuiEncapsulates the methods for the application's GUI front end
 CKitModelHolds a rich graph of objects representing the application's data model
 CKitParserSaxParser implementation for reading the KitModel from an XML document
 CKitPrintOperationPrints the kitlist
 CModelCategoryRepresents a Category combined with GuiState attributes
 CModelCategoryColumnsA definition for displaying a ModelCategory in a combo box
 CModelItemRepresents an Item combined with GuiState attributes
 CModelItemColumnsA definition for displaying an item in a multi-column list
 CModelItemCompareIdComparator for comparing items by their unique ID
 CServiceBusiness/service layer implementation
 CXmlDaoImplementation of a KitListDao using XML as the persistence store
 CYamlConfigMaintains the application's configuration parameters in a YAML formatted file

Copyright 2008-2021 Frank Dean