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4.3.1 Lookup Tables

The following tables are used to define lookup values for select boxes in the web application:


Key-value pairs describing waypoint symbols. The key is written to waypoint entries when downloading GPX files.


Key-value pairs together with an HTML colour code. The ’key’ is written to track entries when downloading GPX files and the HTML colour code is used to render the tracks on the itinerary map page.


Key-value pairs define how to format output of latitude and longitude values on the itinerary waypoint edit page. Format parameters are defined using the {%} symbol and have the following meanings:

E.g. a format string of %d°%M’%S”%c would result in a lat/long value of ‘1.5,-2.5’ being displayed as 1°30’00”N 2°30’00”W

Scripts to create some values for these lookup tables are in the ./provisioning/schema folder;

The default waypoint symbols and track colours are generally appropriate for Garmin devices. In fact, the colours are the only ones allowed by the Garmin Extensions XSD.

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