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2 Invoking trip-server

2.1 Synopsis

trip-server [ -h | –help ] [ -v | –version ] [ -s | –listen { address } ] [ -p | –port { port } ] [ -r | –root { directory } ] [ -e | –expire-sessions ] [ -c | –config-file { filename } ] [ -u | –upgrade ] [ -i | -interactive ] [ -V | –verbose ]

2.2 Description

trip-server is an application supporting trip recording and itinerary planning.

The intended use is for a hiker, mountain-biker or other adventurer, to be able to publish and share their planned itinerary, then subsequently log their positions at intervals, allowing someone else the ability to monitor their progress.

In the event of contact being lost, the plans and tracking information can be passed to rescue services etc., to assist with locating the missing adventurer.

2.3 Options

-h, –help

Show help, then exit.

-v, –version

Show version information, then exit.

-s, –listen=ADDRESS

Listen address, e.g.

-p, –port=PORT

Port number, e.g. 8080.

-r, –root=DIRECTORY

Document root directory.

-e, –expire-sessions

Expires any active user web sessions.

-c, –config-file=FILENAME

Configuration file name.

-u, –upgrade

Upgrade the database.

-i, –interactive

Run an interactive session. Note that this option is only available when compiled with the --enable-tui configure option.

-V, –verbose

Verbose output