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5.1 Tile Server Configuration

Most if not all tile server providers have policies that you must comply with and there may be sanctions if you fail to do so. E.g. If you are using the OpenStreetMap tile server, read and comply with their Tile Usage Policy. Please ensure you configure the following entries correctly for the appropriate element of the tile.providers section(s) of config.yaml.


This is the e-mail address at which the system administrators can contact you


A link to a public website with information about your application’s deployment

Note these entries are sent in the HTTP header of each tile request and will therefore end up in system logs etc. Currently the tile requests are sent over HTTP, therefore you should not mind this data being exposed.

The tile.providers[x].mapLayer entries provide the ability to display tile map attributions most if not all tile providers require you to display.

The attribute will be displayed when the map layers icon is activated. Only xyz map types are supported, so the mapLayer.type attribute should always be xyz.

Map attributions are displayed on the map using the mapLayer.tileAttributions section of the tile.providers attribute, which allows attributions to be rendered with appropriate HTML links. The tileAttributions are an array of items that have either text, text and link or just link attributes. If the entry contains just text, the text will be displayed in the map attribution. If a link is included, the text will be wrapped in HTML link tags and included in the map attribution. The entries are displayed in the sequence they have been defined.

For development, if no map tile provider is configured, dummy tiles are displayed showing the x, y & z coordinates of the tile. Alternatively, you can use Docker to run a small tile server. See the section on Docker in this application’s README in the source distribution and the various docker-compose-map-*.yaml configuration files for hints.

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