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7.22 Simplify Track

Sometimes, a track log has a high frequency of points. You might wish to reduce the number of points, (simplifying the path), perhaps before converting it to a route, or just to make it smaller to fit the maximum point constraint of some software or GPS systems.

Trip uses the Ramer—Douglas—Peucker simplification algorithm implemented by the OpenLayers mapping project.

Select a single track, then choose the Features > Edit > Simplify track menu option.

The selected track is displayed on a map. A slider control is used to change the tolerance value. The higher the tolerance value is, the more likely points are reduced.

The display shows the total number of points originally in the track together with an estimated total number of points that remain after simplification. A preview of the estimated final track is displayed on the map, together with the original track shown translucent, so that you can judge the impact of the simplification.

The first and last point of each track segment are always retained. If that behaviour is undesired, consider joining the segments before-hand, as described in Joining Routes and Tracks.

Selecting the Save button saves a copy of the track, appending (simplified) to the track name.

Note: Due to some technical implementation limitations, the number of points in the final track may differ from the preview by a small amount, so checking the new track after simplification is advised.

Tip: To simplify a route, convert it to a track, simplify the track and convert the new track to a route. However, if the route contains individual point attributes (name, comment, description or symbol) these are lost when converting to a track.

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