

  • Updated packages to latest versions re vulnerability in word-wrap package
  • Reverted to using yarn for builds


  • Force resolution of semver to ^7.5.2 re CVE-2022-25883.
  • Update some package dependencies to later versions.
  • Switch to primarily using npm instead of yarn as audit summary is clearer.
  • Replaced systemd package with a couple of lines of code.


  • Upgrade re CVE-2023-32695


  • Re-create yarn.lock re vulnerability in


  • Rebuild yarn.lock re yaml package vulnerability
  • Updated Vagrant and Docker environments to use Node.js v16


  • Force resolution tor xml2js to v0.5.0 re vulnerability
  • Upgrade canvas package to 2.11.x
  • Re-create yarn.lock to update sub-depencencies


  • Upgrade jsonwebtoken package re various CVEs
  • Updated packages to latest versions by recreating yarn.lock files.


  • Upgrade to 4.5.4 re CVE-2022-2421 and CVE-2022-41940
  • Updated some other packages to later versions.


  • Updated some packages to later versions.
  • Update Vagrant to use Node.js 14.21.1


  • Bug fix - Shared tracks were only constrained to the maximum period if a constraint value was entered for the most recently logged location.
  • Updated nodemon package to latest version re security vulnerability in got package.
  • Updated packages to latest versions by recreating yarn.lock files.


  • Update packages to latest versions by recreating yarn.lock files, including updating minimist package re security vulnerability.
  • Updated Vagrant configuration to use PostgreSQL version 13 and Node.js version 14.19.1.
  • Updated Vagrant configuration for Chrome web driver to match current Debian 11 version.
  • Configure workaround for errors when running Nginx in Vagrant.
  • Fix failure in trip-web-client to fetch Leaflet.draw package from GitHub.


Updated to support Node.js v14.

  • Updated pg package to latest.
  • Fix double-release of pooled database connection.
  • Lazy loading of elevation tiles.
  • Updated packages re audit warnings.
  • Rebuild yarn.lock files to update sub-dependencies to later versions.
  • Updated deprecated Jasmine custom matchers used in tests.
  • Updated Vagrant build to use Node.js v14 and Debian 11.


  • Updated some packages to later versions including some with security vulnerabilities.
  • Temporarily removed the jsdoc package, as version 3.6.7 had reported security vulnerabilities in some dependent packages. Unfortunately version 3.6.8 updates the klaw package which requires upgrading from Node.js 12.x to 14.x.


Implemented an option to simplify (reduce the number of points) of an itinerary track.

Added a goto page option to all paging controls. The goto page option is only shown once there are at least 10 pages.

  • Format numerical values with commas on System Status page.
  • Update nodemon package to newer version.


Status page now shows map tile usage per month for the past 12 months.

  • Updated Docker configurations and improved using Docker container for developement.
  • When no map tile provider is defined, return tiles showing the x, y, z coordinates of the tile. This may be useful during development if a tile server is not available.
  • Show the last 12 months recorded tile usage on the admin status report.


  • Implement option to convert itinerary tracks to routes.
  • Implemented option to assign separate colours to a selection of routes and tracks.
  • If no specific track name, uses the track name in the section attribute of the ogr namespace when importing GPX created by GDAL.


Updated some dependent packages, including updates for the tar package re CVE-2021-37713 and the jszip package re CVE-2021-23413.


Minimum and maximum map zoom levels are now configurable by tile provider. Where these values are not set, they default to the previous values with a minimum zoom of zero and maximum of 17. Check with your tile provider before using higher zoom levels than 17. These configuration settings are tile.providers.mapLayer.minZoom and tile.providers.mapLayer.maxZoom. See config-dist.yaml for examples.

Whether tiles should be cached or pruned is also configurable for each tile provider. If you are using your own tile server, you may prefer to let the tile server handle caching. Keeping stale tiles in the database cache by disabling pruning could be useful in the event of a tile provider service failing. If fetching a remote tile fails, the stale tile is served from the local cache, if available. These configuration settings are boolean values for tile.providers.cache and tile.providers.prune. When not specified, they default to the previous values, with both caching and pruning being enabled (true).

Release builds now use node-tar and adm-zip packages instead of external utilities.


Bug fix - failed to load elevation tif files after non-tif file encountered in the same folder. E.g. the elevation data directory contains a hidden file like .DS_Store no tif files will be loaded.

Disabled elevation tests when elevation data not configured.

Updated to use newer version of xmlhttprequest-ssl re CVE-2020-28502.

Updated some packages to use newer versions.

Updated jsdoc to remove underscore vulnerability.

Can be built with either npm or yarn. Implemented forced package resolutions for npm (this feature is included in yarn). If package-lock.json doesn't already exist when npm install target is first executed, npm install needs to be run a second time to force the package resolutions.

Improvements to development environment with Vagrant.

Run unit and end-to-end tests with headless Chromium.


Replaced node-static, which appears to be no longer maintained, with send.


Bug fix - The count of itineraries was half the correct value when the number of personal itineraries was identical to the number of shared itineraries, causing an incorrect page count calculation.


Allow limiting Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS). This introduces a configuration setting for - Valid origins to handle. Typically this is the protocol, host domain and port, e.g. The default is *:* which currently allows all origins to ensure backward compatibility.

See - Socket.IO 2.4.0 - CORS Misconfiguration in · Issue #3671 · socketio/ - Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)

Show an alert on the live itinerary map when the websocket is disconnected or fails to connect.


Update some dependent packages


Add tl_settings column to usertable in database schema


  • Implemented upload and download of TripLogger iOS client app settings

    A new column has been added to the usertable table to support this functionality. The following SQL statement needs to be executed in the trip database:

    ALTER TABLE usertable ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS tl_settings text;
  • Options to import and export full itinerary, including text and sharing.

  • Option to create a duplicate copy of an itinerary.

  • Where the start and finish dates of an itinerary being viewed relate to a different time zone, show the time alongside the date on the itinerary page to clarify, otherwise it can appear the dates differ by a day in some circumstances.

  • Optionally using YAML instead of JSON for the TRIP configuration file.

    The existing config.json script can be converted to config.yaml with yarn run config2yaml.

  • Bug fix - pasting waypoints into an itinerary didn't necessarily create them in time order.


  • Asynchronously load elevation data on startup


  • Bug fix - request never completed when deleting waypoint
  • Fixed logging not formatting log statements with more than one parameter
  • Correction to example config file for log.timestamp entry
  • Set locale and time zone in Vagrant startup
  • Support Docker deployment
  • Handle root URL GET request when running in Docker container
  • Replace Winston logger with simple implementation following RFC5424
  • Changed autoquit to only quit when app.autoQuit.timeOut is a positive value
  • Disable using OSM tile server until configured properly
  • Graceful handling when no tile provider configured
  • Added nodemon to restart the server during development


  • Re-implemented itinerary search results to provide more detailed results


  • Bug fix - route length not recalculated when points deleted
  • Only relates to deleting points as part of the client 'Edit path' functionality.


  • Updated Vagrant to use trip-web-client 1.1.3

    No actual code changes affecting the deployed server.


  • Prune expired tiles from cache
  • Updated Vagrant to use Debian 10.1 and Node.js version 10.17.0


  • Update required version of lodash due to vulnerability, CVE-2019-10744.

    Vulnerable versions: < 4.17.13


  • Searches for itineraries that contain waypoints, route points or track segment points within a specified distance.

    Note: This release also requires installing the PostGIS extension to PostgreSQL. See the 'Next Release' section of the trip-server README.


  • Implemented user password change