Category | Represents a Category |
CategoryCompareId | Comparator used for comparing Categories by id |
CategoryCompareName | Comparator used for sorting Categories by name |
FilterItem | |
GuiState | Class encapsulating state of an object in the data model |
Item | Represents an Item |
ItemCompareId | Comparator used for comparing Items by id |
ItemCompareName | Comparator used for sorting Items by name |
ItemFunctor | Functor for processing items |
KitList | Main application class |
KitListDao | Defines the methods that an implementation of this class must implement |
KitListGui | Encapsulates the methods for the application's GUI front end |
KitModel | Holds a rich graph of objects representing the application's data model |
KitParser | SaxParser implementation for reading the KitModel from an XML document |
KitPrintOperation | Prints the kitlist |
ModelCategory | Represents a Category combined with GuiState attributes |
ModelCategoryColumns | A definition for displaying a ModelCategory in a combo box |
ModelItem | Represents an Item combined with GuiState attributes |
ModelItemColumns | A definition for displaying an item in a multi-column list |
ModelItemCompareId | Comparator for comparing items by their unique ID |
Service | Business/service layer implementation |
TickItem | |
XmlDao | Implementation of a KitListDao using XML as the persistence store |